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Bene•Bac™ 9 is a unique pre- and pro- biotic supplement formulated to provide 9 multifunctional benefits in one convenient daily supplement. Used as a top dress for wet or dry food, Bene•Bac™ 9 promotes digestive balance by supporting a healthy gut, joints, heart, liver, immune system, inflammatory response, calmness, cognition, and skin and coat.
Bene•Bac™ 9 features:
Directions for Use: Bene•Bac™ 9 powder can be used as a top dress on wet or dry food. Discard uneaten food after no more than 8 hours and thoroughly wash dishes.
Storage: Store in cool, dry conditions. Refrigeration is not necessary.
General Information: Consult your veterinarian for additional advice. This product is intended for intermittent or supplemental feeding only.
Caution: Not for human consumption.